The Friends is administered by its Executive Committee. The committee has been operating by email during the closure and the period following.
Before Covid, the Friends held a regular Autumn Luncheon for members, so that they could meet together. The last of these took place in November 2019 at the New House Hotel, Thornhill, Cardiff. Because of coronavirus restrictions, no further Luncheons could be arranged. Now that Covid restrictions have passed, it is hoped that a luncheon or other social event might take place in the spring of 2025. Watch out for notices in the newsletters.
Following coronavirus there will be no Annual Festival of the Friends in 2024. The Annual General Meeting will take place on Sunday 20th October at St John’s church after morning service. There is no longer a restriction on numbers attending, so members are encouraged to attend.
The church is fully reopened for Sunday worship with both morning and evening services. There is also a Friday noon Eucharist and online worship during the week. Under its invigorated choir, other musical events are beginning to take place. Although not Friends events, everyone is invited to attend. It is hoped that some Friends events can be organised